Jareth’s Scepter Redo (Jim Henson’s Labyrinth

Not too long ago I made a version of Jareth’s scepter/crop using an existing walking cane as the topper. However, I’ve had the realisation that that particular walking cane could easily go out of stock, and I’d feel bad if anyone came to my blog hoping to make their own crop and found themselves unable to. Adding to that, my original crop was definitely not movie accurate, so I thought those two reasons were good enough cause to try this prop replica again.

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CRAFT: Other Mother’s Button Eye Box (Coraline)

The spooky season is upon us, and I got the hankering for a project to celebrate. I’m usually not very timely with my craft projects, but I’ve had this one on my to-do list for a while so I didn’t need much convincing to throw myself at this prop replica: The Other Mother’s Button Eye box.

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ARTICLE: A Deep Dive into Sarah’s Book Collection (Jim Henson’s Labyrinth)

Ever wonder what specific books Sarah had in her bedroom? Well, I sure did, to the point that I started a quest to identify each book seen in the above shot from Jim Henson’s Labyrinth. I’m excited to announce that after many long searches all of the above books have been identified, and I’ve love to show you them.

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ARTICLE: Jim Henson’s Labyrinth – Where Everything Seems Possible and Nothing is Real

Illustration by Rebekah Isaacs (Labyrinth: Under the Spell)

A while back a Labyrinth-related video crossed my path, this one by Cinemarionette which asked the question “Is the Dark Crystal Better than Labyrinth?”. It’s a not-uncommon question, I wouldn’t say there’s a rivalry between Labyrinth and Dark Crystal fans, but there is a line drawn in the sand and fans tend to pick a side and stick with it. As a result I have seen this question pop-up quite a few times in past discussions, so I had an answer to Cinemarionette’s question locked and loaded.

Continue reading “ARTICLE: Jim Henson’s Labyrinth – Where Everything Seems Possible and Nothing is Real”

BLOG: Why you Should Read Labyrinth Coronation

While perusing the Tough Pigs archives I came across a post by Joe Hennes, which is almost mournful in how he questions the pointlessness of writing about the Labyrinth Coronation series as there was very little visible interest in the series from Henson fans. It seems as though Labyrinth Coronation flew under many people’s radar, and what an absolute shame that is because I think the series does a wonderful job of giving us more of the Labyrinth we know and love, while also giving us something new to chew on.

Continue reading “BLOG: Why you Should Read Labyrinth Coronation”

REVIEW: Retro Style Labyrinth Action Figures (By Plastic Meatball)

I’ve got a few work-in-progress prop replicas I’m chipping away at in the background, so in the meantime I thought I’d try something different and review a recent Labyrinth purchase I made. Hopefully since this blog is chocked full of Labyrinth related items ya’ll won’t mind if I indulge myself a bit.

Continue reading “REVIEW: Retro Style Labyrinth Action Figures (By Plastic Meatball)”